Packing for London,Ireland, and Scotland

Packing is always a struggle...Irish I could pack my whole closet !! 
But, have no fear, I'm about to narrow it down for you. My days of overpacking are in the past.

I've been doing some research for my trip this summer and have been going back and forth on what 65 degrees feels like. It could mean chilly if I am by the Irish coast but could mean sweating in the sunshine exploring London. I'll be across the pond for 14 days and REALLY am not trying to make the mistake of overpacking like I always do. So  TIP*** I've been making sure to check on peoples Instagram geotags in the cities I'm going to visit to see what they're able to wear and what the weather looks like not just what it sounds like.

So lets start:

1. I've looked at so much Pinterest my eyes are crossing. I've narrowed it down to packing colors such as blue, red, white, and gray due to Ireland and Scottland being SO green I didn't want to blend right in. I'm listing some basic go to pieces to mix and match for everywhere.

2. Outerwear is always a beast to pack because it takes up so much room. I definitely wanted to space my packing so I had room for a few pieces. I'm planning on taking 10483000 million pictures obviously so I would rather have a choice of a few pullover or jackets since they will be what I will be wearing the most. They're the most versatile and stand out the most in photos.

3.Layers upon layers. I really had to give myself a pep talk here because I'm a dress lover and had to face the hard truth that it wouldn't be logical to pack multiple dresses for this trip. Can you imagine me trecking through Ireland's greenery and the Scottish highlands in a dress? LOL, that's like when the girl from leap year dragged her Louis Vuttion through the muddy roads of Ireland in her heels..., not smart. So, I decided on lots of easy layerable outfits to be able to cool down or bundle up when needed. 

Heres what I'm thinking but would LOVE any advice for traveling to London, Scottland, and Ireland during July!

TOPS (+ one dress)










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