
Recently been doing some soul searching.. and you know that usually is at its best when I'm two glasses of red wine deep and one female empowering movie later ( this time its #girlboss).

Forwarning : its about to get real up in here...

Recently i've been in this place asking myself constantly what am I doing?! I mean with everything...I know at the ripe ol age of 24 we arent supposed to have it all together and idk if we ever will, but am I the only one lost in the sauce?

Im in this weird place of graduating college and starting my new carreer lol not in blogging but as a nurse (Woohoo!). Living back in Atlanta im srrounded by a lot of people I grew up with either in my hometown or college. I know moving to a big city I should feel as if I can be whoever I want to be. But who is that? Yes, the ol identity question. Well, I don't mean it like that I just mean that I have been struggling with labels. How I want to dress, how I want to come off, what direction my blog is geared toward and how to "adult". This is my life and I should feel free to be whoever I want so why am I not living like I am? Why am I living in the confines of what I think others want me to be?

SO the "blog thing".....

I think its best if I start with the fact that I created this whole blog based off the fact that I just wanted to be real and to share things I do and love. I am sorry, not only to my readers ( all 3 of you) but to myself. I feel I have become mainstream or cliché. Posting things I think people what to see not really being true to myself.I have been through the emo roller coaster asking myself constantly: to keep my blog, or to delete my blog? Who do i think i am? Im not a blogger cause that's for people who know what they're doing and make careers and things out of it.......but on the other hand I'm also not a quitter...

 My constant worry has been what are people who know me going to think? I have not shared anything about Lizthepeach except with like 3 close friends because I DONT know what im doing and im so afraid I was going to fail at this. I was so worried about what everyone else was going to think that I lost sight of who I wanted to be.

The whole reason I started this was to be an outlet!
I had developed it because I wanted to share my little 2 cents with the world. It doesnt have to have rhyme or reason its just about the things I find beauty in.If even ONE person can relate or connect then thats such a victory. 
Well, im trying to have some grace for myself and realize we all fall into the pitfalls and conform to the things of this world sometimes but what matters is we recognize it and get back to the root of who we are as a person and not who the pressures of society tell us to be. I felt as if in order to grow my blog I would have to wear the best products, go cool places, take great pics, have lots of partnerships. I needed a good smack to hep me remember that this isnt about being the next #girlboss or popular blogger this is about me loving what I do and feeling confident without needing acceptace from others. As long as im proud of what I put on this blog then nothing else really matters.

And I truely was mortified when I realized I had just turned into someone I thought everyone wanted me to be in the blog world. I was in denial and told myself I wasnt going to be that girl. That there are already sooooo many popular successful fashionable world travelers with all the lifestyle tips. The world doesnt need one of those. The world needs someone relatable. Maybe not in everyway but in the way that they feel free and comfortable. THAT is what Lizthepeach is about. I need to get all the other BS out of the way.

And the "life thing"....

I'm sure I'm not the only one struggling in this early 20's phase trying to get this all figured out.
It's hard because I finally got grounded in nursing school where I made GREAT friends and was confident and loved who I am. Now its like next chapter, time to move on whether you like it or not, get a job, make new friends, and not know where you really fit in or how you feel about it. Also, quick s/o to my good friends yall are the best. thanks for being there and figuring out this mess with me.

SO does anyone else feel this way just kinda like AHHHHHH IDK! Life is weird and hard to figure out. We all go through seasons and I just think this is one of mine. Its always hard moving onto another chapter of your life cause I don't really know if you're ever really ready for it.

Thoughts, opinions, advice, or relatable situations? Would love to hear!

Thanks if you read this whole post btw.


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