lets get glowing ...

Everyone looks and feels better when they're tan...

With the sun finally shining and things heating up it's time to show off a little skin ...

But first things first..  the question: sun or self-tan? well, don't fret I have found some goodies to share  for whatever your situation may be. Looking like a scary pasty ghost are days of the past...

For the sunshine dwellers...

Protection first ( sorry its the nurse in me) , please to keep the skin cancer and wrinkles at bay when you go out and get fried like a chicken...

Living by the beach here in the south means 11/12 months are spent in the sunshine catching rays. Here are some great Birchbox finds that I love to use for all types of skin.

ON to the golden godess look:

for added glow before stepping into the sun Bronze Glow
This Maui Wowie babe is pure gold for adding on once youve already got a base tan.Its my go to for getting DARK.- Maui Babe

Whats all the commotion about the lotion? Well, I encourage it because HYDRATION is key  to keep that glow and not dry your poor skin out like the desert.

Face moisturizers :


shop these here

more for the face to add a little  extra shine and complete the greek goddess look
my two go to's highlighter and bronzer:

shop here

And for your body load up on lotions with aloe!this will help that tan last longer 
great products: 
-Burts Bees sheer body lotion
-Banana Boat after sun aloe lotion
-Kiehls hand and body lotion with aloe vera

 GLOWing shiny hair + recovery & glow products :
Easy spray and you got shine ( this is a great brand )

a little glow to go?

 leave in masque ,your hair will thank you 
all prodcuts:here


For those without 24/7 access to beaches and sunshine..
here are some great face products to get that glow ..

but here's the self-tanner secret of your dreams.. perfect for any event or last min little tan shesh!
Drumroll please....

buy here: Ulta Beauty

Time to get your glow up on!


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